Light For My Path

Moving Forward the Work of God by Meeting Needs, Mending Hurts, Molding Lives

Light For My Path

The goal of our Women’s Ministry at Momentum Church is to be an encouragement and support system for our sisters in Christ. God has made us each as unique individuals, with a specific purpose. He wants us to flourish in the giftings He’s given each one of us.

In my devotions on Wednesday, I was reading about walking by faith.

All of us, at some point in our lives, focus on our circumstances and what “we” can do to change them. We’re tired of the struggle, the fight, the uncertainty that comes with trials. I was talking to a friend about this, and saying that I needed “to see some light at the end of the tunnel” to get me through.

The statement in my devotion said, “While I worship God in the midst of darkness, He enables me to see the first gleam of dawn on the path before me.” Talk about hitting me right between the eyes.

When we are finally desperate enough to give all control to God, our eyes are opened to the “glimpse” that’s always been there. Walking by faith is something we have to choose to do on a daily basis.

I’m praying this has been an encouragement to you. James 1:3 says, “For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.”

Growing in God, Missy