Welcome to our new website!

Moving Forward the Work of God by Meeting Needs, Mending Hurts, Molding Lives

Welcome to our new website!

We are so glad that you took the time to visit our website. You’ll discover that our passion is to provide a place where people just like you can have a life-changing experience with God.

At Momentum Christian Church, our doors are open to people from all backgrounds, regardless of where they are on their spiritual walk. We are a life-giving church where God’s presence is cherished. Our goal is to infuse life and God’s love into people and families by engaging them in powerful worship services that offer Biblical truth in a relevant and practical way.

Together, we are striving to become that kind of church described in the Bible, with relevant teaching, heartfelt worship, honest friendships, constant prayer and compassion for those in need. In short, we’d love to have the kind of contagious Christianity that can influence and encourage the entire community, one life at a time.

So, if you are looking for a home church that will stretch and strengthen your walk with the Lord, as well as provide ministry for the entire family with a dynamic youth and children’s ministry, then Momentum is the church for you. Please visit us at one of our services. We would love to meet you.

Comments: 23

  1. John Doe says:

    testing this template. very nice, btw

  2. Lulu says:

    Another test. Absolutely stunning.

  3. Laurent says:

    Testing this great theme

  4. SebH says:

    Test des fonctionnalités

  5. Eric says:

    Great theme so far!

  6. Pedro says:

    Lorem Ipsum In Vino Veritas Est…

  7. Martijn Oud says:

    Loving the comment styles! Does it allow HTML?

    paragraph test

    List item test

  8. Bravo says:

    This is super! Pixel perfect. 🙂

  9. Jenny says:

    This is a comment

  10. terst says:

    ceci est un test.

  11. DickLick Stevens says:

    thought i’d drop a comment

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