acts annual baptism bible bible study bonfire Brunch chat Christmas christmas eve Church Church maintenance earth Eve Fellowship fireside Food football fun game Gather gathering greatest Ham jesus ladies Meal men's Men's Dinner merchandise ministry night on party Pastors and Wives Appreciation picnic Potluck retreat Savior school Service show sunday super bowl Thanksgiving vacation vbs water baptism wednesday weekend Women's Women's Retreat worship Woven Woven Gathering
Ladies, please come join us on Friday, January 24th at 6pm as the Woven Women’s Ministry hosts a game night here at the church. After a busy season of holiday hustle and bustle, we hope to provide a relaxing and fun night of fellowship. Bring a game or join in with some else’s! We will be providing pizza , salad, water and dessert. A love offering will be accepted to help defray the cost of the food. Sign up at the back table and we hope to see you there! Please see Laura Bercel (586.531.6836) or Lisa Paves (248.840.4217) with any questions.
We look forward to seeing you and growing with all you wonderful ladies at our annual Women’s Retreat this year! Dates are March 7th-9th and the price breakdown is listed below. There is a sign sheet on the Information Table in the back of the Sanctuary.
- 4 per room – $171.25
- 3 per room – $189.25
- 2 per room – $201.25
Price is per person and includes all meals. Options to come up for the day is available at $40 per person and includes 2 meals. If you have any questions, please see Missy (810.588.1023).
We will also have T-shirts, zip up hoodies and canvas tote bags available for purchase for our 2025 Retreat. Please check out the sign up sheet on the Information Table for sizes and pricing. Please see Laura Bercel or Missy DeVlaminck with any questions.